[Design-team] Improving the Fedora boot experience

Marco Scannadinari marco at scannadinari.co.uk
Tue Mar 12 08:15:12 UTC 2013

        On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Matthias Clasen
        <mclasen at redhat.com> wrote:
        > - Switch to a simple spinner for the plymouth theme
        >         This theme is available in plymouth today:

The GNOME spinner / throbber - http://i.imgur.com/GJ6egHi.png - or
indeed the excellent Tango spinner -
http://fiveofoh.llynix.com/files/throbber-medium.gif - would be more
appropriate in my opinion and would look less like OS X.

Everything else, I completely agree with.
Marco Scannadinari <marco at scannadinari.co.uk>

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