[Design-team] wallpaper f21a

Zachary Snyder sadin at fedoraproject.org
Sat Aug 23 16:02:50 UTC 2014

Could someone direct me to the wiki page for signing up for the FAD, I
can't seem to find it.

Also are we currently looking for a new way to track assignments and work?
Or are we sticking with trac?

On Saturday, August 23, 2014, Kirk Bridger <kirk at thebside.ca> wrote:

> As someone with more UX skills than artwork skills I'm not really seeing
> the UX requests from applications coming through our ticket system (and
> I'm not on IRC to be honest).
> I've been mostly inactive but listening for some time now.  Did I miss
> some key requests?  The trac list [1] shows very few of these kinds of
> requests.
> I think the planned FAD, where the team identifies the key services we
> perform and where we track requests and current work will help clarify
> things a lot.  As someone who can only attend in a remote manner I hope
> that is set up (I added my name to the wiki page as a remote attendee).
> Elad I'm not chiming in because I'm not seeing the conversations - are
> they happening on IRC?
> Kirk
> [1]
> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/report/1?sort=created&asc=0&page=1
> On 08/23/2014 03:03 AM, Elad Alfassa wrote:
> > Regarding the position of the design team in Fedora.Next, I think the
> > design team should be and is still relevant.
> >
> > There are a lot of apps we have in the distribution (some of them are
> > installed by default  in Workstation) that could use some UX
> > attention, there's our website redesign which needs feedback, mockups
> > and discussion, we still need artwork for the installer sidebar, etc
> > etc.
> >
> > So in addition to the design team having a lot of tasks right now, I
> > hope that in the future we will see Fedora more design-lead and less
> > feature-lead.
> >
> > Speaking as someone who's working on Workstation these days, I would
> > like it if UX designers from here would chime in more frequently on
> > Workstation related discussion.
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