[Design-team] Firewall Graphics

Pete Travis lists at petetravis.com
Fri Oct 17 06:40:21 UTC 2014

On 10/16/2014 03:27 PM, Matt Allen wrote:
> Hi Pete,
> Unfortunately I'm a bit swomped at the moment (might have some time in
the future if you're still in need), so can't help out with the graphics
themselves right now, although thought I'd throw a view on your analogy
your way.
> The Post Office idea is good, however personally I'd see the firewall
as more of the post office distribution (or sorting) centre. Anyone can
send you mail, which ends up at a distribution centre, this centre
filters your mail, deciding what gets passed through to your address,
returned to sender or forwarded elsewhere (based on your personal rules
for allowed 'mail'). The postman then arrives at your house with all
mail the distribution centre has allowed through and delivers the mail
which matches the mailboxes on your door which are open ('listening'),
all other mail without open services (or open letter boxes for this
analogy) are rejected.
> In this analogy I realise that everyone would have 65,535 plus
potential ports on their door, but in the graphics you would label each
letterbox with a port number and only show open (listening) letterboxes
on the door, which all mail has labelled with your address (your IP
address). So the address on the envolope would be:
> Mr P Sherman
> The IP representing your address on an envelope, the port representing
the letterbox on your door.
> Ping me a message if this doesn't make sense or if you want to run
through anything else :)
> M
> Matt Allen
> Design, Development, Interactivity & Photography
> Twitter: @sdmix
> Skype: itsmattallen
> Web: itsmattallen.co.uk / sdmix.in
> On 04/10/2014 20:21, Pete Travis wrote:
> Hello,
> The Fedora Docs team is planning on writing a Firewall Guide, to explain
> what a firewall does, how it functions, and how to administer it.  For
> the initial explanation, I think that some visuals would be very helpful
> to the reader.
> Right now, the best allegory I can contrive is a post office.  The
> outside network is.. well, anyone who might send mail.  The postman is
> the firewall, the post office boxes are ports, and the customers who get
> mail in the boxes are listening services.
> Is there anyone on the design team that would like to hammer the idea
> into something useful, and work with us on creating imagery for this
> guide?
> -- - -- Pete 

Hey Matt,

Your analogy is close to the same. Instead of PO Boxes, there are
letterboxes; you have a distribution center in place of the local post
office staff doing the sorting.  Having spent some time observing in
such places, I think your view has the potential to be more appropriate
as the discussion progresses.  I do worry that detailed comparisons to
logistical organizations could grow to be just as esoteric to the layman
- but that's where the graphics come in :)

We probably won't start on this in earnest until after the F21 release,
but I find that some time with the idea rattling around in my head
helps.  Feel free to jump in as much as you like, the content will live
at https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/docs/firewall-guide.git/  .

-- Pete Travis
 - Fedora Docs Project Leader
 - 'randomuser' on freenode
 - immanetize at fedoraproject.org

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