[Design-team] future for Nuancier

Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou at pingoured.fr
Mon Sep 29 08:33:48 UTC 2014

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 10:14:41AM +0200, S.Kemter wrote:
>    Hi,
>    2014-09-28 17:24 GMT+02:00 Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou at pingoured.fr>:
>      On Sun, Sep 07, 2014 at 05:44:06PM +0200, S.Kemter wrote:
>      >A  A  * make a point system and give a group of people higher points to
>      award,
>      >A  A  like design-team and/or sysamin-nuancier
>      This feature has been added, as well as the possibility for one or more
>      FAS
>      groups to access to review page from the admin panel as read-only.
>      This would be a first step to build up a group of mentor that can help
>      the
>      submitters to increase the quality of their submission.
>    thats great news, how is it solved right now? I mean with the points.
>    Shall I start to get an mentors group together?

Sorry, I seem to have take the wrong quote from your email.

What we have now is:
- members of one or more groups have a vote weight of 2 (while regular users have
  a vote weight of 1), so (for example) votes from members of sysadmin-nuancier
  FAS group count double compared to the people outside this group.
- members of one or more groups can view the review page in the admin panel as
  read-only. This way they can see the submission before they are
  approved/denied and contact the submitter to discuss if there are ways to
  improve their submission

Hope this clears things up,


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