[Design-team] Wallpaper pictures

Kirk Bridger kirk at thebside.ca
Wed Aug 19 23:02:51 UTC 2015

Hi Andrew,

These are fantastic - beautiful photos!

I'd suggest you submit them for the currently-open supplemental
wallpaper contest [1] so they can get bundled with F23.  The page I
linked to describes how to contribute them to the contest, including the
licenses involved.

Thanks for sharing them, I hope they get a really wide distribution!


[1] https://apps.fedoraproject.org/nuancier/contribute/

On 08/19/2015 02:11 AM, Andrew Walton wrote:
> Hi Design Team,
> <snip>
> If that needs rewording somehow or I need to fill out some special
> form just let me know. In the mean time you understand what I mean.
> Let me know.
> Andrew.

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