[Design-team] Fedora bootstrap homepage logo

Jaromir Capik jcapik at redhat.com
Sat May 23 17:46:28 UTC 2015


We're starting a new project called "Fedora bootstrap" and created
a new logo we'd like to use on the following project homepage (that
is not public yet):


The logo is created from scratch in inkscape & gimp, but I was searching
for logo usage guidelines (+ reading them quickly) and still don't know
whether it's acceptable or not. I don't wanna break any rules and therefore
asking you whether we can keep it there or remove prior making the page

If it is not acceptable, maybe you could help us to create a better
looking logo with keeping the idea (Fedora replicating itself), but
I must admit I don't know whether you have any official procedure
of asking for custom logos and I would appreciate your help.

Please, let me know.

Thank in advance.


Jaromir Capik
Red Hat Czech, s.r.o.
Software Engineer / Secondary Arch

Email: jcapik at redhat.com
Web: www.cz.redhat.com
Red Hat Czech s.r.o., Purkynova 99/71, 612 45, Brno, Czech Republic
IC: 27690016 

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