new fedora logos, wallpapers, access to resources, Now with a lnk to some artwork

Pavels Nikolajevs pavels at
Fri Aug 6 07:37:33 UTC 2004

is really nice one, but let's not forget about people who have 2 
monitors in xinerama mode :)

Bart Kalita wrote:

>thats the link to my wallpapers:
>U can d/l them and use them as U like.
>Not all backgrounds are mine and some wallpapers are in low resolutions.
>Please treat them as teasers rather than finished products.  
>I'll try to see If I can mimic fedora logo and "3" in Ilustrator or
>Photoshop if I come up with something interesting I'll post the results
>As to the law side of it if somebody knows something for sure please let
>me know for now I'm taking my chances :-)
>On the side note I personally think that FC team is shooting itself in a
>foot here just look at KDE-Look org and see how many other Distro
>specific wallpapers are there! and no one can dispute the advertising
>power of a good screenshot with a cool wallpaper! :-) 

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