RFE: User-Understandable Default folders in Home Directory

Sindre Pedersen Bjordal foolish at fedoraforum.org
Wed Aug 11 10:17:01 UTC 2004

tir, 10.08.2004 kl. 16.57 skrev Stewart Smith:
> a bit like what OSX has, i've been thinking that a set of default
> folders (with some cool icons) could help users a bit.
> I've put this up at :
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=129564
> simply so it's kinda 1/2 officially tracked, and in the future, people
> with the same idea can (easily) find some track of discussion....
> I propose adding the following to the /etc/skel for new users, with
> funky icons on the folders to help increasing the clarity of where
> things are and some hints on helping them organise things.
> Note that with the introduction of things like ~/Contacts/, ~/Mail/
> and ~/Settings, this gives the user a clear picture of where things
> are, and what things are important to back up (if they so choose).
> Some users may just see their mail as important, and not care about
> contacts or music. Others may see Contacts, Mail, Settings and
> Documents as important and can just (easily! with nautilus-cd-burner)
> write these to CD for backup.
> ~/Contacts - where evolution stores contacts, with human-readable file
> names (e.g. "Firstname Lastname.vcf" or something).
> ~/Desktop - same as it is now, the contents of the users desktop.
> ~/Documents - a suggested location for documents (and the default save
> location for applications such as OpenOffice)
> ~/Mail - where Evolution stores it's mail.
> ~/Movies - for the kick-ass iMovie type thing that we so need.
> ~/Music - Music Player's place to put music!
> ~/Photos - Gthumb's place to go, and the digital camera tool!
> ~/Web Pages - ==public_html (and shared by apache, if installed).
> I have no real expectation taht this will make Core3 in any complete
> way, but is a good talking point and UI suggestion. This will make it
> easier for users.

I love this idea. It was proposed for in an article I read somewhere
some time ago, but I can't locate it. What struck me then, and strikes
me now is: What about the non-english users? Sure, having the names of
the the folder internationalized shouldn't prove that difficult, but how
do we make rhythmbox or Evolution look in the internationalized folders?

Sindre Pedersen Bjordal <foolish at fedoraforum.org>
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