Firewall questions...

Tom Diehl tdiehl at
Tue Jan 20 11:57:15 UTC 2004

On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Joshua Sain wrote:

> Is there anyone who can explain to me the BEST firewall setup for
> fedora? I'm currently enrolled at ECPI College of Technology and my
> final class is one huge project. I am the network security analyst. I
> need to know what the best setup would be as far as rules for my
> firewall to keep the baddies out but let people into my DMX for my
> apacxhe web server and my exchange server... If anyone has a website
> that they could direct me to as far as setting up a box with fedora
> installed on it as a firewall for a 3 tier network (untrusted AKA WWW,
> semi-trusted AKA DMZ, and trusted AKA internal network) I would greatly
> appreciate it. If you need any network schematics I can send you one....
> Again, thanks guys...

Maybe if you asked on the proper list you might get an answer. This list is
for desktop tools devel. Please ask again on the fedora list.


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