Thunderbird 0.9 RPM

antonio montagnani anto.montagnani at
Mon Nov 29 15:24:52 UTC 2004

Matthew Miller mi ha scritto / wrote to me il / on 29/11/2004 16.12:

>On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 10:11:29AM +0100, Andre Meyer wrote:
>>Finally, we have Thunderbird as (default) email client in FC3. But it is
>>version 0.8, while 0.9 has been available for a while. Where can the RPM
>>for version 0.9 be downloaded. None of the familiar places has it. Why is
>>this so? Maybe the solution is just too simple for me to see ;-)
>I think there's probably just not much enthusiasm for updating to another
>pre-1.0 release when the Thunderbird roadmap says "Our anticipated 1.0
>release will focus primarily on bug fixing and polish work and should
>shortly follow our 0.9 release. Expected ETA is mid November."
I am happily running 0.9 after FC3 updating with RHN....

Mail by Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 Websurfing by Mozilla Firefox 1.0
Posta con Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 Navigazione con Mozilla Firefox 1.0
        Linux user number 362582
  Skype user antoniomontag (telephone on TCP/IP)

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