Synaptic Package Manager Output

Mike Hearn mike at
Mon Jan 17 18:47:34 UTC 2005

This is the wrong list for such questions, fedora-list is where you want
to go for end-user type questions. But hey, you're new and we all make
such mistakes when new :) So here are some answers:

> While installing package bind-9.2.4-2:
> /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib/ is
> empty, not checked.

It's a harmless warning. The reason it appears is most likely that your
system crashed or lost power while prelink was running. Prelink makes
programs start faster by performing calculations that would otherwise have
to be done every time a program starts before it's used, then saving the
results inside the program.

> [Invalid UTF-8] Could not parse file
> '/usr/share/applications/alc.desktop': desktop entry contain line
> 'Comment[fr]=Cr\xe9ateur de liens ed2k d'aMule' which is not UTF-8

This is a bug in the aMule package. Some translator is not using UTF-8
which is a way of encoding international (non-Latin) characters.

> While installing package vim-minimal-6.3.054-0.fc3.1:
> warning: /etc/vimrc created as /etc/vimrc.rpmnew

It means that rather than overwrite your VIM configuration file RPM just
put the new one in a file beside it so you can merge any changes yourself.
You can ignore it.

thanks -mike

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