firewire hotplugging

Ziga Mahkovec ziga.mahkovec at
Wed Jan 26 19:43:00 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 20:23 +0100, Florian Idelberger wrote:
> >Check if the sbp2 module is loaded:
> >$ lsmod | grep sbp2
> >
> 1) all modules are loaded, and as I said, it works --sometimes-- (rare), 
> although I have to mount manually

I see, it wasn't clear from your email that it does work on occasion.
Also, "no /dev/sda<n> created" in my case usually meant sbp2 didn't get

Having to mount manually on the other hand meant fstab-sync wasn't
picking up the partitions.  Usually I worked around this with:

$ rmdir /media/firewire*
$ fstab-sync --clean
$ sudo rmmod sbp2; sudo modprobe sbp2

But I guess it could be udev as well.

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