Modern File Heirarchy

Peter Gordon peter at
Sun Sep 3 23:09:00 UTC 2006

David Nielsen wrote:
> søn, 03 09 2006 kl. 15:03 -0700, skrev Peter Gordon:
>> In something like this, yes. The hierarchy continues subdividing the
>> filesystem into distinct areas, similar to how one might organize their
>> home directory with a folder for music, one for documents, one for videos,
>> one for pictures, etc.
> This just SCREAMS translation hell to me, it's bad enough that f-spot
> and banshee both by default creates and uses english directories in my
> homedir. f-spot being the biggest offender since you can't change the
> directory name.

Exactly why I like, for one, like the idea of having standardized names for the
directories: /usr, /lib, /srv, /var, /var/log, etc. :)
Peter Gordon (codergeek42)
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