[Fedora-livecd-list] pilgrim livecd work

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at fedoraproject.org
Wed Sep 20 22:31:31 UTC 2006

On 9/20/06, David Zeuthen <davidz at redhat.com> wrote:
> Sure, I'm all for that and am hopeful to get contributors besides
> myself. Would have to review patches etc. on list since other projects
> such as OLPC depends on pilgrim. But that's no different from other open
> source projects.

After reading all these mails :), i'll tend to say that pilgrim's yum
approach sounds great. Yum's new metaparser might play a great role as
well. However, anaconda provides kickstart file feature to kadischi
and this is greatly used by people in the fedora-livecd list.

Sure, I'm not saying that kadischi has to adapt itself to pilgrim's
theory. But since, kadischi is only maintained for the moment by
Jasper and I at a very slow rate, it would be best to consider on what

* what is Kadischi, by the Fedora Project
* which one should be a Fedora Live image Creator/Installer
* how both pilgrim and kadischi can benefit.

Ill try pilgrim this weekend.

> The first step towards that, and something I'd like anyway, is moving
> the pilgrim git repository from my home directory on freedesktop.org to
> Fedora infrastructure. Any pointers to how I do that? Thanks.

is it possible to have under svn ? :p i've cvs access blocked over my place.

David, is your presentations available for download ? I'll like to
have a look at them :)


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