f8 desktop livecd

David Zeuthen davidz at redhat.com
Thu Aug 2 11:51:37 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 13:40 +0200, dragoran wrote:
> for x86_64 we already use a dvd ... so why not add OO ?

It's been a goal, earlier, to produce a distribution that fits on a CD
for all the usual reasons: DVD media is more expensive, not everyone has
DVD burners, some people don't even have DVD readers.

Btw, some of us consider the goal of having multilib on the x86_64
desktop live cd wrong. I'm sure it makes a lot of sense for general
Fedora users (especially those using an enterprise rebuild, *cough*,
RHEL) but am not so sure that the segment we're trying to target really
cares. And if they do care, our package management tools should be able
to pull in the 32-bit requisite packages anyway (and I think the tools
support this already).

The latter is just one example of where we perhaps have to depart from
traditional thinking. Historically it has caused a lot of friction and
flame wars mainly because we've tried to please everyone with a single
distribution called Fedora. 

By having a much tighter focus we need to revisit some our goals. This
includes goals like "is it important it fits on CD media", "should we
include all locales or have regional variants", "do we support multi-lib
out of the box". I don't know what the answer is to any of these. At
least it's worth thinking about.


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