Defining the target audience (Was Re: low-hanging fruit)

Jon Nettleton jon.nettleton at
Fri Aug 17 21:14:17 UTC 2007

On 8/17/07, Jeff Spaleta <jspaleta at> wrote:
> On 8/17/07, David Zeuthen <davidz at> wrote:
> > If you think about it, it's mainly about messaging, and that's
> > one thing we've surely need to fix.
> Yes, its all about messaging.  Spins are an opportunity to broaden our
> appeal by narrowing the message(s).  And let me add, that since this
> is a new spin being discussed, its perfectly acceptable to throw out a
> baby or two with the bathwater. We got enough babies to go around.
> We've got a large rolling faceless sea of babies. It'd be nice to
> focus on a few of them at a time and actually see how cute their faces
> are.
> Pick a focus, make choices that support that focus. if some of those
> choices end up being bad ones and the spin has to be editted in a
> later revision, that's OKAY.  As long as we are upfront about this
> spin as a narrowing of focus and provide a summary of install time
> functionality that is missing in this spin as compared to the standard
> install, it's going to be OKAY.

The thought to create my own non-official Fedora spin came to mind last
week, during the compositing window manager discussion.  Where does the
legal stand with the Fedora branding and using it for respins?  I know that
unapproved Fedora sites have been forced to remove the logo.  Does this
follow suite with unofficial respins?  Would this re-spin be official, and
who decides?

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