Firefox 3 feature

Christopher Aillon caillon at
Mon Dec 3 17:02:03 UTC 2007

On 12/03/2007 05:09 PM, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> On 03.12.2007 16:03, Colin Walters wrote:
>> The reason I created it is because it isn't actually as trivial as just
>> changing everything to XulRunner and updating the Firefox package - we
>> do ship Firefox extensions (at least in Mugshot, perhaps elsewhere)
> I don't think we ship any besides Mugshot -- and if I'm wrong on that
> I'm sure they are very rare because we have no guidelines for packaging
> them. Some packages with extensions were put up for review but they iirc
> got stuck.
> Which brings me to my question: Does anyone know if Firefox 3 makes it
> easier to package extensions (that was planed iirc)? Should we prepare
> guidelines for packaging extensions?

Once we get closer to having Firefox v3 (or rather a pre-release of it) 
in rawhide, I'll draft them.

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