gvfs in rawhide

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 02:46:46 UTC 2007

On Dec 22, 2007 2:20 PM, drago01 <drago01 at gmail.com> wrote:
> yes ;)
> but its part of gnome 2.22 so it should already be in gnome's release notes

Aren't all new features in a fedora release ultimately in the
underlying component's release notes?  The question is... is this
specific technology change important enough to shout about in F9 as
part of our distribution notes.  Just saying we have gnome 2.22 or
repeating gnome 2.22's release notes verbatim isn't a particular good
idea. We have to cherry-pick specific technology changes to be verbose
about.  Among all the changes going into the gnome stack.. is gvfs a
bean enough deal to get some print space in our fedora specific
release materials?  If so, probablly needs a feature page in the wiki


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