fedora 8, is it for me?

Gian Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at prodigy.net.mx
Tue Nov 27 00:40:16 UTC 2007

David Zeuthen escribió:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PostIsOffTopic
> Thanks,
> David

Maybe there's need to be a better explanation for the Desktop list? I 
see way too often "off-topic" messages posted to this list too, so maybe 
it is time to better explain what the purpose of the list is? The 
message doesn't seem to be getting across the audience all that well, as 
if someone want s to use Fedora as a desktop OS, they find this list and 
"assume" (as we know, incorrectly) that it is the right place to post. 
Even the name may be deceiving (fedora-deskop, instead of 
fedora-desktop-devel or some such), maybe is time to check that? For 
many feodra-users gets way too much traffic, and some feel more 
granularity about fedora usage is in order (similar to the granularity 
of the forums in fedoraforum, I'm not directly comparing, though), at 
any rate one thin is clear, a better statement of the purpose of the 
list, or a better way to make it clear enough... Though I can hardly 
think of anything better than what we already have in 

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