meeting channel (was Re: meeting time)

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Thu Sep 6 00:24:00 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Christopher Aillon wrote:
> Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
>> Having all the meetings in one channel was done so people who wanted to
>> stay informed of multiple parts of fedora could log one channel to see
>> what was going on.  This helps to spread your message outside of your
>> particular group to the larger community.
> If we're in the position where we need to make a call between letting
> more people participate vs. letting more people lurk, I'm going to vote
> to move our meetings to a different channel.
That's definitely one valid point.  A counter is that people who are
working together will find ways of communicating with each other outside
of meetings whereas people who are more peripheral to the decision
making need the focus of a meeting to be able to know where to go to see
 what's being discussed by whom.

> The prime #fedora-meeting spots have been largely taken, which makes it
> harder to work around schedules.
You need to be careful of that, though.  It also means that people who
may have wanted to participate are unable to because they're already in
another meeting.

That said, maybe it is time to have a #fedora-meeting2.

- -Toshio
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