early-gdm redux ( I am sorry my way is better faster... for a desktop )

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 02:04:10 UTC 2007

On 9/13/07, Colin Walters <walters at redhat.com> wrote:
> Some of the stuff starting here doesn't make sense outside of a server
> also...autofs, iscsi etc.  We've been just killing that stuff by
> default for the desktop spin.

autofs..... let's talk about autofs for a minute.

I've got a home network with a centralized network storage home
appliance aimed at home network being used for digital photos.

I've got a wife who uses picasa to manage that digital photo
collection. Picasa specifically because picasa integrates with blogger
and kodak's easy share gallery service which we are paying the yearly
fee for.

I've got her computer setup to use autofs to see the cifs share from
the network storage.

Her usage patterns are pretty much dead on target for "home desktop."
Picasa isn't going away until f-spot grows some brains concerning
integration with Kodak's easy share gallery service.  I'm not
suggestioning that using autofs is the smartest thing to deal with
this situation. How would you deal with it in an autofs-less setup
using a home network storage  location that must work well with


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