early-gdm redux ( I am sorry my way is better faster... for a desktop )

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Fri Sep 14 08:56:15 UTC 2007

On 14.09.2007 10:17, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-09-13 at 18:35 -0800, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
>> On 9/13/07, Jon Nettleton <jon.nettleton at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> you can do all of this with fuse.  When the gvfs2 comes out that will
>>> all be included for free.
>> That's a fuse plugin correct?  Uhm... fuse doesn't work out of the box
>> in Fedora currently. I _think_ we still ship fuse in such a way that
>> you have to manually take some action add users to the fuse group for
>> users that get to use fuse.
> Yes we do. And this is totally stupid and will cause pain in the future
> when all sorts of features (like gvfs) start using fuse. I have no idea
> why this was done, but it has to be fixed.

Thx for your kind words to your fellow Fedora developers, much
appreciated ;-) (¹)

I decided that -- but not alone. In fact IIRC I was urged by lots of
high-rank-Fedora-developers (including jeremy and someone from the
security team IIRC) to *not* ship fuse as a suid-binary for everyone, as
back then (in the early days when fuse hit the kernel) it was highly
unclear if the fuse userspace tools were safe enough.

If that has changed: sure, let's get rid of this extra burden with
adding the user to a special group. But that's up to the current


(¹) -- No, I'm don't have a problem with calling a decision of mine
"totally stupid" (I sometimes do myself). But I think it's not helpful
when done in public.

IOW: This IMHO is just another occurrence that confirms by impression
that "the tone on the fedora lists IMHO gets worse and worse" (²) --
that's IMHO bad as it might be deterring to new developers or lurkers on
the list that might fear hard words more then we do.

/me always wonders if people on a party or a conference would go to the
podium and say "foo is totally stupid" if the chance that the one that
is responsible for "foo" is in the auditorium


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