Current Xorg behavior is unfriendly at best

Arthur Pemberton pemboa at
Tue Sep 18 16:25:01 UTC 2007

On 9/18/07, Adam Jackson <ajackson at> wrote:
> If the monitor is off, I can't talk to it, so I can't ask it what it can
> do.  Note that this is something of a lie, most monitors made since, oh,
> 2000, will merely look like they're asleep but will still respond over
> DDC if they have a power cord plugged in.
> But if I can't talk to it, I'll use what's in the config file.  Do you
> have an example of X not doing so?

Yes... the most frustrating part of all. As I've been trying to
communicate, xorg does _not_ use my xorg.conf when the monitor is off,
and instead uses something on the scale of 800x600 which is so large,
the necessary widgets are off screen.

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