Replacing the bittorrent client

Peter Gordon peter at
Tue Sep 18 16:47:35 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 15:04 +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> I found deluge heavier (it's written in Python) and the UI more
> contrived. Transmission's written in C, and has that GNOME/MacOS X (it's
> a very popular client on MacOS X) philosophy about keeping things
> simple, yet powerful.
> I don't doubt Deluge is nice, but it's far too complicated as a default
> client, IMO.

As the Deluge maintainer in Fedora I'm going to agree rather
wholeheartedly with Bastien on this one. It (Deluge) is a really nice
client, but for a "Just click and watch it go" client, it is also a lot
more complex, in terms of UI. Transmission just feels a lot more
first-time-user-friendly in how its UI is structured and its preferences
dialog seems a lot more sane.

Perhaps it's a misplaced analogy, but I see it similar to Firefox in a
lot of ways - Deluge, like Firefox, as a lot of really great features
and works well; but an alternative such as Transmission (a la Epiphany
to Firefox) has perhaps less features but a much more user-focused UI.

Deluge is a very good client, yes; but at the same time I feel that it
still needs some TLC before we can consider it for a default setup.

My $0.02...
Peter Gordon (codergeek42)
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