i686 (and likely x86_64) Live image not fitting on CD

Peter Gordon peter at thecodergeek.com
Tue Sep 23 04:40:11 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 00:21 -0400, Brian Pepple wrote:
> That's why I said we should look at what to include in the comps, and
> not put hard requires in the spec. ;) 
Hmm; but if we put it in comps, it's still going to be included anyway;
so in terms of saving space I don't really a difference, tbh.

> And there *are* going to be regressions in features even with tp-haze.
> Empathy won't be able to do things like file-transfers, etc, that Pidgin
> currently supports.

Well, regressions are an unfortunate necessity sometimes; but when they
can be readily minimized, I'd prefer that be the case. ;)
Peter Gordon <peter at thecodergeek.com>
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