i686 (and likely x86_64) Live image not fitting on CD

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Tue Sep 23 21:51:01 UTC 2008

Colin Walters wrote:

> Well, my ideal on this would be that we land the infrastructure for
> automatically creating them daily or even more frequently, and then we
> work on committing changes to the kickstart file via peer review.

This would be ideal but I am not sure waiting for it is really the right 
thing to do. As a side note, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu etc are doing more 
intermediate alpha and beta releases than Fedora does. We should be 
considering that. Ubuntu is doing daily builds of images as well.

> To help with size issues in particular I don't see a need to
> distribute the result - it should be enough to describe the
> change+patch ("moved help files into separately downloadable package",
> "use bzip2 on changelogs", etc) here.

I think, if we are generating images on a more regular basis, we should 
be doing more than just checking the size. There is a valuable 
opportunity for integration testing from the wider community and getting 
more earlier feedback on experimental changes such as swapping Pidgin 
with Empathy. This however requires distributing the composed images.

The problems I see with it are these:

1) Bandwidth and disk space

2) How do you trust and verify composes done outside the Fedora 

3) Branding conflicts with unofficial composes


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