
夜神 岩男 supergiantpotato at
Thu Dec 22 14:07:56 UTC 2011

On 12/22/2011 10:46 PM, Raphael Groner wrote:
> The first thing I did on my Acer that have had preinstalled Linpus: Install a distribution that can be used.
> To be honest, what is the sense of Linpus? Fedora is not a meta distribution like Debian. It would be like comparing Linpus (Fedora) to Ubuntu (Debian), or apples with pies.
> Please take a look to the efforts to port systemd or Unity to other main stream distributions. First, you have to solve a lot of dependency problems cause of the differences in package versions. Please don't start that chaos also on Fedora, ... okay for unstable/rawhide.
> Just my 5 ct. End of ranting.

What is the meaning of this post? I feel lost. Linpus is piointless, 
granted, but lots (probably most, by %) of things in the open source 
world are. How does this affect Fedora?

And bad ideas are not OK for rawhide. Bad ideas are just bad. There is a 
lot of that going around, but not just in Linpus, Ubuntu or Fedora -- 
the entire market is missing the point right now (which joys me to no end).

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