[Design-team] Different Backgrounds for the Lock Screen vs the desktop

Kamil Paral kparal at redhat.com
Tue Sep 17 09:14:36 UTC 2013

> > At home, I was used to bump the mouse to see my desktop. Now I have to drag
> > or hit Esc. It's not that much difficult, of course, but if I do it twenty
> > times a day, it becomes a bit annoying. The last time I tried, Bastion
> > Nocera successfully ignored my requests to avoid lowering shield when
> > session locking is disabled. It's trendy.
> I'm pretty sure "Bastion" rejected the idea, instead of simply ignoring it :)
> There's a gnome-shell extension to disable it.

Oh, that's so great! It wasn't there when I was looking for it. Here it is:

Thanks Bastion...er, Bastien.

> > On the other hand, I saw Windows 8 recently and I couldn't find a
> > difference.
> > They copied GNOME's behavior perfectly. It felt like home :-)
> And that's how to disable it on Windows:
> http://www.pcworld.com/article/2013667/8-worst-windows-8-irritations-and-how-to-fix-them.html
> The reason why it's there is the same as why it's in GNOME, it stops
> touches/keypresses/mouse clicks from getting to the apps for the time
> when the screen turns back on. So it's a requirement for touch devices, as
> well as
> for desktops and laptops that lack touch.

One could argue that users are pretty used to and happy with mouse wiggling. But I don't mind that much, as long as there is the extension available. Thanks again.

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