Thoughts about Fedora 21 Desktop

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Mon Dec 8 13:43:11 UTC 2014

On Mon, Dec 08, 2014 at 01:27:42PM +0100, Peter Laursen wrote:
> "There's an option in initial-setup "make user an Administrator" that
> basically does this, not sure if the gnome equiv does the same."
> I noticed that option, but did not understand the meaning of it. "Make user
> a sudo'er" would be better  think. Anyway it explains.

There's a tradeoff, there, of course. Saying "a sudo'er" is more
clear if you know exactly what sudo is, and much more confusing if you

I guess we could include the classic Xkcd on the screen. :)

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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