Workstation PRD approval

Jens Petersen petersen at
Tue Jan 14 14:59:19 UTC 2014


> We have a deadline for the PRD coming up in about a week.  I'd like to
> actually have something to present to FESCo.  Can we please either
> agree to trust each other or barring that call for a vote on one of
> the current draft PRDs?  Members of the Workstation WG really need to
> speak up here.

Is possible to have some compromise/midway between the two drafts?
As I see it they mostly just differ in the contexts they set:
Christian's having more emphasis on different types of developers
and Matthew's being closer perhaps to the traditional Fedora user audience.

I feel like a lot of the arguments have been "Desktop vs Workstation",
and I agree that the core subset of Workstation (ie essentially minus
all the developers tools and libraries/devel stacks) should also be good
too for general non-developer users.

There is a lot of text about making Fedora Workstation
an enticing platform for developers which I am all for
but I do feel that the PRD should also cover some basic criteria
for a successful core desktop to support that: things like
being lightweight and generally getting out of the users way, and
supporting an informative configurable panel out of the box, etc.
It doesn't have to be a detailed explicit feature list
but some kind of vision on the type/flavor of core desktop
we are aspiring to for Workstations would be appealing
to include IMHO.

Since time is running out, should we have a WG meeting
this week to seek agreement and flesh out any final changes?
I don't feel we are so far from an acceptable final document.


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