[Proposal for Vote] Approve Draft 6 of the PRD

Christian Schaller cschalle at redhat.com
Wed Jan 22 09:32:09 UTC 2014

Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the feedback. 

1) As for steam. It is in there as it is something we expect to get resolved through the 3rd party software solution. If that part falls through I guess we can edit it out, but if we manage to resolve the 3rd party issue in a positive manner then I don't think it is to much of a stretch to assume a lot of CS students like to play some games on their system from time to time.

2) Once we have it up on the wiki I will take another look at this paragraph and revise it again. Maybe also you and Josh who are native English speakers could help me nail it down.

3) Correct, lets edit that too once we have the wiki in place

4) Yeah, or we turn the Software installer into a browser app ;)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Gallagher" <sgallagh at redhat.com>
To: desktop at lists.fedoraproject.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:14:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Proposal for Vote] Approve Draft 6 of the PRD

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On 01/21/2014 12:04 PM, Josh Boyer wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Peter Robinson
> <pbrobinson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Josh Boyer
>> <jwboyer at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 8:03 AM, Matthias Clasen
>>> <mclasen at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 2014-01-20 at 09:09 -0500, Josh Boyer wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 5:22 AM, Jens Petersen
>>>>> <petersen at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Overall I think the PRD is well written and I can live
>>>>>> with it in its current form.
>>>>> OK, so right now I have the following votes:
>>>>> Jens +1 Lukáš +1 Owen +1 Christian +1 Kalev (no vote) 
>>>>> Christoph (no vote) Matthias (no vote) Ryan (no vote) Josh
>>>>> (no vote)
>>>>> I've been holding off on casting a vote for the time being
>>>>> because I want the WG to drive decisions as much as
>>>>> possible without the liaison deciding things.  So, if the
>>>>> remaining 4 of you could vote that would be good.  This is
>>>>> actually due to FESCo today, but I sent the call for votes
>>>>> one day too late.  Remember, non-votes turn into implicit 
>>>>> abstains after tomorrow and the votes required to pass are
>>>>> adjusted accordingly.
>>>> I'm sorry - I was snowed under other stuff, and this just
>>>> didn't make it to the top of the pile in time: My vote, if it
>>>> still counts: +1
>>> It does, thanks.  I'll close the call for votes at end of
>>> business today.  At that point I'll get the PRD on the wiki and
>>> I'll send it to FESCo.
>> End of business what timezone?
> Good question.  I'll just say:
> 22:00 UTC Jan 21 2014.

So, I've been reading through the PRD in my FESCo capacity (presuming
that this draft is what is being submitted for approval at tomorrow's

 * Target Audience 1: Student
   * While I certainly would hope that we can support Steam (I assume
     that's the stealth requirement there), it seems like a divergence
     from the rest of the targets. If this is something the product
     wants to focus on, I suspect it should be a separate Target
     Audience: Video Game Players.
   * To me, a student target should really imply a closely-integrated
     development environment (particularly built around a set of
     common and simple tools, such as Eclipse and DevAssistant).

 * Other Users:
   * I'd make it clear that this is a non-exhaustive list of things that
     are not being directly targeted (though as noted they will benefit
     indirectly. Right now it almost reads to me as "We almost forgot to
     mention this stuff, but it's a priority too!" I realize this is a
     bit of a flame-war in the discussions, but if you try to be
     everything for everyone, you'll be stuck in the same limbo that
     Fedora is in today.

 * Robust Upgrades:
   * I suspect this is a phrasing problem, but this doesn't read
     properly to me. Upgrades should be the same as an original install?
     I suspect what is meant here is something along the lines of: "If I
     install with the updates repo enabled, my system should be no
     different than if I installed from the initial release and ran 'yum
     update' (except for user data).

 * 3rd Party Software:
   * If this can be worked out with the Fedora Advisory Board and the
     lawyers, great. My +1 to this segment is contingent on that.

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