FESCo Workstation PRD follow up questions

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Wed Jan 29 13:42:48 UTC 2014

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On 01/29/2014 08:31 AM, drago01 wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Josh Boyer
> <jwboyer at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Stephen Gallagher
>> <sgallagh at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On 01/29/2014 08:08 AM, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 2014-01-29 at 04:59 -0500, Christian Schaller wrote:
>>>>>> 2) What is the actual deliverable and delivery mechanism
>>>>>> for Workstation?
>>>>>> This is asking how we intend to ship the Workstation
>>>>>> product. ISO, live USB image, something else?
>>>>> There is no plan to change this from what has been the
>>>>> primary delivery methods of Fedora so far. That said I
>>>>> think the emphasis will need to change where a USB sticks
>>>>> is the primary medium and DVDs the secondary.
>>>> Two notes in this regard:
>>>> 1) If we are going the USB way (which I think is the way to
>>>> go as many laptops are removing CD/DVD and we also save some
>>>> trees in the meantime), we should look at ways to improve the
>>>> USB creation experience and documetnation wrt to the current
>>>> state. I would make it a priority to focus on making it
>>>> specially easy for Windows and Mac OS X users.
>>>> 2) I would remove the DVD install-only option. Focusing only
>>>> the installable Live media. The reason for this suggestion is
>>>> that it would remove the amount of media we have to test and
>>>> release and that it will reduce that confusing choice for
>>>> users (if you're new it's hard to figure out which option is
>>>> best or whether it matters at all).
>>> I'd be very wary of doing this. The big problem with the live
>>> install option is that it's highly limited in the storage
>>> configurations it can use. There will certainly be users out
>>> there who will want to install Fedora Workstation on systems
>>> with complicated storage setups. The live media probably won't
>>> work for them.
>> How relevant to Workstation is that?
> It isn't because the Live Install no longer does the "dd image to 
> disk" thing but just creates partitons, mounts and copies the
> data. So there is no limit to storage configuration I know of.

Hmm, I must have missed that we're no longer doing that. So the
"install from live image" now has full access to the anaconda storage
manager? If that's the case, I withdraw my concerns.

> Stephen anything specific that does not work for you using live?

Truthfully, I haven't installed from live media since around F16. I
always install with the net iso.
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