Michael Catanzaro mcatanzaro at gnome.org
Mon Jul 14 13:45:14 UTC 2014

On Mon, 2014-07-14 at 00:23 +0200, Kalev Lember wrote:
> On 07/13/2014 09:08 PM, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> > I notice gdb is on the package list, but gcc is not. This combination
> > doesn't seem very useful; what's bringing in gdb?
> Abrt I presume.
> -- 
> Kalev

OK, good point.

Next question: does ABRT work for you? Everything I've reported in the
past month or so ended in an Emergency Analysis (the whole ABRT
processing directory gets uploaded to the server, since there was an
ABRT bug). Before that, I timed how long it took to report crashes: I
believe I clocked a gnote crash at just under 15 minutes, a WebKit crash
at about 40. (I'm positive I reported a bug about this, but I can't find
it anymore.) This is so far beyond what I personally think is OK that
I'd rather Workstation to have no ABRT at all, but I don't know if my
experiences are typical. If others are experiencing the same, we should
probably discuss where to draw the line and then get in touch with the
ABRT devs.

(It's not that I don't want a crash catcher, just that its benefits need
to be balanced against the user experience. I think ABRT makes Fedora
look bad.)
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