Matthias Clasen mclasen at redhat.com
Wed Jul 23 17:38:49 UTC 2014

On Wed, 2014-07-23 at 16:15 +0200, Richard Marko wrote:

> So users who have enabled autoreporting [3] (ABRT asks for the first
> time) are not subjected to the reporting process until they specifically
> hit Report in gnome-abrt application.
> Would it be better if we add a warning there that the reporting process
> is only for advanced users and requires Bugzilla credentials?
> Our plan was to have this configured during the installation process so
> users can configure ABRT to their liking but this is not in place yet.


does a good job of describing the different levels of detail and
interactivity that might be desirable for problem reporting.

The overlap with a developer-focused workstation might be interesting -
if you are developing software on the system, you probably don't want to
get a crash collection system to get between your crashing app and the

But if you are an OS developer / packager, you may find it convenient to
set up your account details once, and have crashes be collected/reported
automatically without asking you every time.

The managed/unattended use cases may not be that important for the
workstation product per se, but are still important to keep in mind.

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