Let's reconsider some more applications installed by default

Rahul Sundaram metherid at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 23:57:06 UTC 2015


On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Elad Alfassa  wrote:

> "Legal" is different from country to country.
> Before we consider removing transmission, I think it's wise to figure out
> why is it installed by default in the first place - there might have been
> some useful rationale behind it.

I used to maintain Transmission for a while until recently and the
rationale for including it by default is that,  it was useful and really
necessary to have a torrent client at one point to get the new release of
Fedora .  This doesn't apply anymore and with dnf supporting distro
upgrades and Anaconda removing support for upgrades for several releases,
 unless there is something else compelling, it is fine to drop it off the
default list.

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