Let's reconsider some more applications installed by default

Michael Catanzaro mcatanzaro at gnome.org
Sat Aug 29 03:00:12 UTC 2015

On Fri, 2015-08-28 at 23:23 -0300, Evandro Giovanini wrote:
> While some of these are nice to have features they're custom add-ons
> that
> most users won't use; if you're to compare them for a default install
> I
> think it'd be more appropriate to compare what they provide out of
> the box.
> So for example in this case, while Epiphany's ad filtering is not as
> good
> it has the advantage of being integrated and available right out of 
> the box.

But there is a flaw: it's not ENABLED out of the box, you have to open
preferences to check it on! We should change this. Also, the DNT
headers need to be enabled by default as well: otherwise, sending the
header just makes you more trackable.

Fortunately, these can be fixed by flipping bits in the gsettings
schema. :)

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