Let's reconsider some more applications installed by default

Mathieu Bridon bochecha at daitauha.fr
Sat Aug 29 17:42:41 UTC 2015

On Sat, 2015-08-29 at 16:13 +0100, Richard Turner wrote:
> On 29 Aug 2015 3:20 pm, "Michael Catanzaro" <mcatanzaro at gnome.org> wrote:
> > Many advertising companies (I believe most, but who knows) are 
> > going to use the DNT header as another data point for tracking
> > you. I don't expect many sites to respect the header in general
> > but selectively ignore the header for only Epiphany users, because
> > sites don't care about Epiphany. :) Anyway, we are moving towards
> > private-by-default, rather than making the user think about it and
> > choose whether to be tracked or not. And I am turning on adblock
> > by default right now :) which is rather more serious for the
> > advertising companies, IMO.
> Ad blocking by default is fine, it's very visible to the user and if he
> wants ads (believe it or not some people do!) it's obvious he's not
> getting them. DNT is invisible to the user unless he knows about it
> and actively looks for it.

Which is exactly why it should be on by default.

If it's invisible unless users already know about it, then most users
won't benefit from it.

Privacy is generally expected to be the default, it is then up to you
to decide what you want to tell others about yourself.


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