Let's reconsider some more applications installed by default

Michael Catanzaro mcatanzaro at gnome.org
Mon Aug 31 15:04:41 UTC 2015

On Mon, 2015-08-31 at 06:09 -0400, Jakub Filak wrote:
> There are plans to replace sealert with ABRT:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=870224
> We were almost there, you can even see the test case linked in the
> bugzilla bug,
> but we have decided to postpone the migration to make the integration
> of
> setroubleshoot with ABRT more natural.
> The basic idea is to drop sealert (the GUI), teach setroubleshootd to
> report AVCs
> to ABRT and adapt ABRT to the new type of the detected problems
> (troubleshooting,
> removing data from setroubleshoot database).

Great, this is EXACTLY what I was hoping for. Nice to know that it's
already planned.

I don't mind keeping sealert around in the meantime, since we have a
transition plan.

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