Going client/server

Miro Hrončok mhroncok at redhat.com
Thu Apr 30 09:17:25 UTC 2015

On 30.4.2015 10:46, Tomas Radej wrote:
> Hi,
> On 29/04/15 15:30, Miro Hrončok wrote:
>> On 27.4.2015 11:25, Tomas Radej wrote:
>>> The basic idea is that the server runs in a privileged container or on
>>> the host system, and very thin client connects to it and exchange
>>> information about assistants and commands through an API (for example
>>> using JSON). You may think about it as "DevAssistant as a service".
>> Here I'm not sure what do you refer as a server and basically, what runs
>> where. I'll try to make some assumptions bellow, please correct me if I
>> get it wrong.
> The "server" in client/server is everything described below that is not
> "The client".
> ...

Thanks Tomáš for explaining everything, I think I understand it much
better now.

>> How does this works on non-Linux platforms than?
> DA server (i. e. webserver, bridge, service, agent) runs in a virtual
> machine or in a container. It is my impression that supporting OS X is
> quite hard with the current architecture, and Windows is next to
> impossible.
> By moving DevAssistant to a more constrained, virtualised environment,
> it will be much easier to support more complex use cases - e. g.
> inheritable container support for *all* "create" projects. Furthermore,
> the only part running on the host system will be the client. With WebUI,
> supporting OS X or Windows would be dead easy, because all the changes
> would be done inside the VM.
> As for how would DA be distributed then, I am thinking a pre-made
> virtual image of sorts with DA fully set-up. In any case, we can't help
> Windows users set up virtualisation, so they'll have to do some work
> anyway. If we decide to go this way, they'll only need to install a
> virtualisation host, run the image, and connect to IP:Port from their
> browser.
> This sort of limits the usage on non-Linux platforms, but I believe that
> encouraging the use of virtualised environments is something we should do.

One thing I don't understand, when I run DA on Windows/Mac int this way,
and I create let's say a new Django project using the WebUI, it's
created in the VM. How do I develop something in this project than? I
hope not using some text editor inside the VM, because frankly, if I do
that I could have just easily install Fedora into a VM and run DA as it
is today.

Do I get my source code mounted? Or something else?

How do I run ./manage.py runserver and such?

Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok

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