Frozen for Fedora 11

Jesse Keating jkeating at
Wed Apr 15 08:45:23 UTC 2009

We've reached the final freeze, as well as mass branched.  From this
point on, builds from F-11/ will go to dist-f11-updates-candidate and
builds from devel/ will go to dist-f12.  dist-f11 itself is locked.
To request a freeze override, please use the Final Freeze

If you're closing bugs by doing builds, please ensure that those builds
get properly tagged for our final release.

To check the status of your particular build/package, you can look at
the contents of the 'dist-f11' tag in Koji.  This is the tag for
rawhide, and what rawhide will compose from until F11 is done.

koji latest-pkg dist-f11f10-final <foo>

It's the last mile folks, lets make it awesome!


Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
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