Heads-up - rb_libtorrent: soname bump, rebuilds required

Peter Gordon peter at thecodergeek.com
Tue Apr 28 07:04:10 UTC 2009

I just pushed an update in F12's rawhide (devel branch) to rb_libtorrent
which bumps its soname from "libtorrent-rasterbar.so.2" to

I also made this update in the F-11 branch, but am leaving it in the
dist-f11-updates-candidate tag until all the necessary rebuilds are
complete. (I have filed ticket #1667 asking that the excellent rel-eng
folks to have it tagged into the buildroot override.)

This is merely a bug-fix release, so a simple rebuild should be
sufficient to work with this new version. However, should any problems
arise please don't hesitate to poke me incessantly. ;)

According to repoquery, the list of dependent packages (whose owners are
CC-ed on this message) is as follows:

* springlobby
* qbittorrent

Miro and Deluge also depend on rb_libtorrent, but only through the
Python interface (rb_libtorrent-python), so they should not need such a

Thanks, and Regards.
Peter Gordon (codergeek42) <peter at thecodergeek.com>
Who am I? :: http://thecodergeek.com/about-me

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