Fedora 11 Mass Rebuild Status

Jesse Keating jkeating at redhat.com
Fri Feb 27 16:37:34 UTC 2009

Well the initial pass of the rebuild has finished!

6217 completed builds.  Of those 6117 need to be tagged.

Down to 450 failed builds that need attention.

512 builds that still need to be done or otherwise accounted for (like
dead packages that haven't been blocked).

76 failures in the build submission path that need to be examined.

Extremely impressive for 4~ days of work.

In just a few minutes I'll be kicking off the tag submissions, which
will likely completely overload the buildsystem for at least an hour,
although I'm just guessing.  We've never submitted this many tag
requests with this many active builders with their new algorithms for
taking tasks.  The tag requests should be without email to save some
spam.  Syncing rawhide tomorrow will be quite slow and painful.

I'll post a raw unbuilt list to go along with our failure list a little
later today and I'll be working through the packages that didn't quite
make it through the submission process.  All in all though I'd consider
this quite successful!

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
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