Status of the Alpha

Jesse Keating jkeating at
Sat Jan 31 07:18:04 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 22:38 -0800, Jesse Keating wrote:
>  So now I think we have a golden tree, although I can only test on my
> limited hardware and KVM.  Such little testing has bitten us before, but
> since this time I'm testing the actual bits I feel better about the
> limited coverage, particularly because it's Alpha.
> I'm going to stage the bits on the master mirror, and try to con some
> other folks into testing the isos I've generated.  With luck we'll be
> able to release it to mirrors tomorrow and have a chance at things being
> ready for Tuesday.  Any further issues or an inability to get a second
> opinion in time though will incur a slip of the Alpha release.

I had to jynx myself.  Shortly after sending this mail I ran across one
major issue.  Installation via NFS is not possible due to

Rolling back nfs-utils seems to work, however to generate that into a
repo I can compose form is going to take more time than I have energy
for tonight.

This likely means a slip, perhaps only a two day slip, of Alpha.  More
info to come either later this weekend or early next week.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
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