Fedora 20 Beta Go/No-Go Meeting #3, Thursday, November 07 @ 17:00 UTC

Jaroslav Reznik jreznik at redhat.com
Thu Nov 7 11:49:40 UTC 2013

Join us on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting-2 for this important
meeting, wherein we shall determine the readiness of the Fedora 20 Beta.

This is the third attempt to release Fedora 20 Beta. Currently, RC5 is
under validation, please help if you can [1]. Two new blocker bugs are

Thursday, November 07, 2013 17:00 UTC (12 PM EST, 9 AM PST, 18:00 CET)
(Beware of time change - now in the US!)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering meet
to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular release.
This meeting is called the Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 20 Beta Blocker list:

[1] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2013-November/118688.html

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