Inclusion of cyrus-imapd and mimedefang (plus webmail)

Angles Puglisi angles at
Thu Jul 24 20:09:39 UTC 2003

If you'll give it consideration I could rip AngleMail out of
phpGroupWare into a standalone webmail.
(I'd do it for the fame of the few people who know me ...)

there is a demo of an older version at:

check out the email part of the demo.

Paul Iadonisi (pri.rhl1 at wrote:
>On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 03:35:41PM -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:
>> We're actually considering for this upcoming release:
>> - adding in cyrus-imap
>> - taking out uw-imap
>> Opinions?
>  My vote is definite thumbs up for cyrus-imap.  Simon Matter's rpms have
>also been well put together (and have only been getting better) and would
>probably only require minor tweaks to fit into Red Hat Linux nicely.
>  On a sort of related note, I'd like to see something better than
>squirrelmail (or an additional choice) for webmail.  I know that comment
>might generate some flames, but my problem with it is that it claims to be
>modular, but I have a hard time calling something modular when most of
>the additional modules I've seen require modification of some other source
>files.  Maybe it's bad module design, but I suspect that's not the case.
>I'd rather see something that treats modules the way, for example, drupal
>does (  Drop the right .module file in modules
>directory and add whatever other files you need to, and the function is
>added.  No mucking around with core source files.
>  I tried out squirrelmail mostly because I didn't want to learn sieve
>(I can be lazy at times :-)) and saw that it had a sieve module.  But then
>I got frustrated because I could just apply the errata for squirrelmail and
>expect everything to work.  Sieve is but *one* of the reasons I like
>cyrus-imapd.  It would be nice to have a webmail program (that handled
>sieve or had extensions for it) that was a little easier to deal with
>from admin point of view.
>  Alternatives?  Not sure.  Horde's IMP, possibly, but I don't know how
>well it meets my above criteria, and I know it's a whole suite of web apps,
>so it would have to be looked a more closely.  Don't want TOO much cruft.
>-Paul Iadonisi
> Senior System Administrator
> Red Hat Certified Engineer / Local Linux Lobbyist
> Ever see a penguin fly?  --  Try Linux.
> GPL all the way: Sell services, don't lease secrets

That's "angle" as in geometry.

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