Kernel eating memory, ends up trashing

Rik van Riel riel at
Mon Sep 8 03:34:32 UTC 2003

On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Dag Wieers wrote:

> On August 8 I added a bugreport for a machine that trashes aprox. every 2 
> weeks because of the kernel eating memory. You can find it here:

> I know at least 2 other persons that have the same problems (on different 
> machines with a similar workload/functionality) so it seems to be a bug in 
> the kernel on a particular use of the VM.

The thing is, RHL8 and 9 have a completely different VM from
Severn.  Also, many people cannot reproduce this problem at

This, together with your graphs, suggests it's more likely
to be a memory leak in some driver then a bug in the core VM

Do you have anything suspicious in /proc/slabinfo when your
system gets close to crashing ?

In the RHL9 and RHL8 kernels, how big is free + active +
inactive* together?  How much space is unaccounted for ?

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