Argument list too long.

Michael K. Johnson johnsonm at
Mon Sep 8 18:00:33 UTC 2003

On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 05:12:25AM +0200, Dag Wieers wrote:
> I'm wondering if option 4 from the following article
> 	Linux Journal: "Argument list too long": Beyond Arguments and Limitations
> could be done for the Red Hat kernel (or the vanilla kernel) and if not, 
> what the objections are.

The main objection from Red Hat's standpoint is that it changes the
semantics of a kernel interface in a way that really forks from the
vanilla kernel -- it would be really painful if programs you built on
a Red Hat system magically quit working when you put an upstream kernel
on the system.

So this should really be an lkml discussion.  That shouldn't be
construed as a suggestion that everyone go spam lkml, of course...


 "He that composes himself is wiser than he that composes a book."
 Linux Application Development                     -- Ben Franklin

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