Automake 1.9 breakage

Colin Walters walters at
Mon Aug 2 04:40:34 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-08-01 at 08:57 -0700, Steve G wrote:
> Hi,
> The new automake 1.9 breaks several packages. 

A package should *always* call a specific version of automake.  If a
package directly invokes "automake", that's a bug.  It should instead
call automake-1.8, automake-1.4, whatever is known to work.

The automake binaries are versioned for a reason - so installing a new
version doesn't break builds.  Patches to move to a new version should
be upstream, since they are more likely to be familiar with their build
system and the effects of new automake versions on their packages.

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