nfsroot on FC2 x86_64 not functional?

Gary Molenkamp gary at
Fri Aug 6 14:47:47 UTC 2004

Not sure if this is an FC issue of a kernel issue, but...

I'm trying to use the nfsroot boot option to the 2.6.7 kernel with no 
success.  (Panics because it can't find root).   I tried to confirm that 
nfsroot is compiled into the kernel by rebuilding from source but the 
nfsroot option is not available under filesystems->network filesystems as 
it used to be.

Checking the Kconfig files, I see that CONFIG_ROOT_NFS is not included.  
If I add them then the kernel build fails with undefined references.

Is this a 2.6 issue?  Any pointers would be appreciated as I haven't been 
able to locate any references to my particular problem.

Gary Molenkamp			SHARCNET
Systems Administrator		University of Western Ontario
gary at
(519) 661-2111 x88429		(519) 661-4000

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