Suggestion for an altered portmap package

David Kewley kewley at
Thu Aug 12 00:21:49 UTC 2004

Troels Arvin wrote on Wednesday 11 August 2004 16:50:
> On desktop systems, I can't get rid of portmap because fam needs it.
> - And I can't even stop portmap because a well-working fam is nice.
> As I don't use NFS or NIS on my desktop, either, I've long wanted to
> be able to tell portmap to bind to the loopback interface only,
> following a security principle of making daemons listen to the least
> possible interfaces. There doesn't seem to be a way to do that, so
> I've tried creating an altered portmap package. I'm no great c-coder,
> but it seems to work (even though there could be some IPv6 issues?).

portmap uses tcp-wrappers, so you can use /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} to 
control which packets you process.  Yes, portmap still listens on all 
interfaces, but if I understand tcp-wrappers correctly, portmap won't 
be asked to process any disallowed packets.


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